The Prime Minister of Australia Parliament House Canberra, ACT 2600
Dear Mr. Turnbull
There is an acknowledged pressing need to increase growth and jobs to forestall potential economic shocks and to repair the budget.
There is a strong case that the major infrastructure investment of $200b in the High Speed Rail Project would kick start greater growth and create more jobs.
I put it to you that it is time for serious reconsideration of the Government initiating this project in
Australia’s national interest.
Notes on the economic situation, outdated conventional wisdom on HSR and the innovative design of the new HSR project are attached.
May I commend HSR for your approval?
Yours Sincerely
Peter J Knight B. Com (Hons) (Melb), MBA (Melb) Chairman, The VFT 2 Project
Recently Founder, Chairman and CEO, The CEO Circle Pty Ltd
Former BHP Member of the Advisory Board, the original VFT Consortium Former Manager Corporate Planning, BHP H.O.
Former Economist, RBA