The Prime Minister of Australia
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Dear Mr Turnbull
Greater growth is the aim of the Government, but there are few new means to achieve it.
May I alert you to a major new source of growth that would have a positive effect on the next election? With great respect, you should not personally miss it, miss-judge it or ignore it. It is High Speed Rail for Australia.
HSR would be supported by the public for its higher liveability and its lower cost of living benefits in the face of the population doubling. It would probably have bipartisan support too.
The HSR/FFR Project outlined in enclosed material would be a profitable private enterprise and not draw directly on government. It would be a very large non-mining investment that would create many jobs on the east coast. It would stimulate greater growth which would stimulate further investment. It would increase competition and innovation. HSR/FFR would be innovative and add more value than other railways elsewhere. It would be largely self-financed by the beneficiaries.
Greater growth would facilitate budget repair sooner with less pain.
What better legacy than providing people with a sense of relief that their cherished liveability is safe while population doubles; gaining their gratitude that their prosperity is secure; reassuring them that their budget is repaired; and enrolling them in believing in the vision for the future through your leadership in initiating and guiding the success of the innovative, private HSR/FFR Project?
A copy of my open letter to you dated 15.10.15 is attached, together with my submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into value capture, my submission to Infrastructure Australia and extracts of recent letters to Ministers.
Would you kindly positively consider this railway infrastructure investment for greater growth?
Yours sincerely
Peter J Knight B. Com (Hons) (Melb), MBA (Melb)
Chairman, The VFT 2 Project
Recently Founder, Chairman and CEO, The CEO Circle Pty Ltd
Former BHP Member of the Advisory Board, the original VFT Consortium
Former Manager Corporate Planning, BHP H.O.
Former Economist, RBA
Copy to: W Truss, Deputy Prime Minister
W Shorten, Leader of the Opposition
A Albanese, Deputy leader of the Opposition
R di Natale, Leader of the Green Party