Category: Mega-Regions


What is innovation? The Oxford dictionary defines ‘innovate’ as to change things; to renew, alter, make new, introduce as new; to make a change in something established. ‘Innovation’ is the action of innovating; alteration of something established; introduction of a new product to the market; introduction of a new practice or method. Inventium defines innovation […]

The Badgerys Creek Airport Disaster

The Federal Government has initiated the new Badgerys Creek Airport in western Sydney before the next election. It has indefinitely deferred construction of interstate High Speed Rail (HSR) between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. It has promoted piece-meal, sub-optimum, intrastate sub-sections of interstate HSR. It has the intended consequences of growing Melbourne and Sydney into mega-cities […]

The Future of Australia

Australians have a critical issue to decide: do they want two mega-cities (Sydney and Melbourne), or one mega-region encompassing Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and cities along the east coast? Australian authorities are already planning two highly densified mega-cities of 8 million people each. The fundamental problem with this is that their population projections are getting […]

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