Category: HSR

High-Speed Train Articles


Submission to Federal Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities.

In the 2010 election voters became aware that the Australian population may double in the next 40-50 years. It became evident that they did not want population to increase because they feared loss of their precious liveability. The subject of population increase virtually vanished from public comment. Voters’ concerns did not disappear. If population doubles […]


Raise the Spirit of Australia

The Spirit of Australia needs revitalising. It started at Gallipoli and in France in WW1 with outstanding courage and sacrifice, and the innovation by Monash and the Australians who broke through the European trench warfare stalemate and led to victory. It established respect for Australian soldiers and consolidated protection of the major power- Britain. In […]


Letter to Chairman IA

22.1.16 Mr M Birrell Chairman Infrastructure Australia GPO Box 5417 Sydney, NSW 2000 Dear Mr Birrell Further to my letter of 28.10.15 lodging a Submission to Infrastructure Australia on the HSR/FFR Project, I append a detailed addendum on HSR/FFR. In addition, a copy of two letters to the Prime Minister dated 15.10.15 and 21.1.16, a […]


Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Value Capture

Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry: The role of transport connectivity on stimulating development and economic activity Value Capture Introduction Value capture has a powerful fundamental role shaping the future economic growth, transport and liveability of Australia. It requires strategic policy development and effective management of implementation to ensure beneficial outcomes for continuing Australian prosperity. Value capture […]


Open Letter to PM Turnbull

15.10.15 The Prime Minister of Australia Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Mr. Turnbull Lack of economic growth is the major issue facing Australia. Above average growth is needed to restore government revenues, ease the pain of necessary budget repair and drive prosperity. The main problem is risk aversion. The many company decision-makers are being […]

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